1945 Census

The information included here is taken directly from the 1945 Census for Port Blandford. We have placed the houses near where we think they existed in 1945. To see the census information for each family, simply click on the house image for each family. A popup will appear with the family census information. If you notice any errors, please complete and submit the form below and we will make the appropriate updates.

Muddy Brook


Rock Cut


Change/Update Suggestions

Note: The information for each household was copied directly from the original 1945 census. Some information is known to be incorrect (for instance – some spellings and dates). We have decided to keep the census data as it was recorded. Do you have any suggestions for changes/updates? Complete and submit the form below and we will update the information (and give you credit for supplying the change/update. Any changes will be added to the popup for each family.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.